Rapid Alignment is a proven process that has been helping organizations, leaders and their teams succeed in times of transformational change for over 20 years.

Rapid Alignment’s Three-Dimension Consulting/Coaching/Facilitation Methodology Delivers Powerful Advantages

The proven Rapid Alignment Three-Dimension Methodology simultaneously implements three complementary RA processes that drive organizational change and success.

  • Strategic Organizational Consulting
  • Individual Strategic Leadership Styles Coaching
  • Executive Team Facilitation

Our three-dimensional consulting/coaching/facilitation process integrates with the cadence of your business and quickly provides you an objective perspective and actionable framework for redefining and resolving current organization and business issues.

Strategic Organizational Consulting

An initial in-depth Rapid Alignment organization analysis provides you and your senior leadership team with a three-dimensional current view of your business, organization, and leadership effectiveness and capacity. This diagnostic also identifies the potential barriers that can impede building strategic momentum.

Based on the insights found in the diagnostic analysis, we work with your senior leadership team to define/redefine your preferred future for your company. This includes defining an organization culture you aspire to, the brand that you wish to convey to the market, and the leadership model that will best create that future. By focussing on key strategic initiatives, clarity of decision making and accountabilities, the Rapid Alignment process provides structure, direction and momentum to your strategy implementation.

Individual Strategic Leadership Styles Coaching

For organizations to successfully change, individual senior leaders must fully leverage their leadership strengths and be fully committed to the transformation. In our Rapid Alignment process senior leaders receive an in-depth assessment of their leadership styles, values, and challenges within a comprehensive leadership feedback process. This in-depth feedback sets the foundation for increasing their strategic self-awareness to leverage their leadership strengths and mitigate leadership ‘blind spots’ for becoming more effective leaders.

Rapid Alignment Strategic Leadership Styles Coaching provides the critical next stage of a proven leadership performance methodology to enhance strategic self-management of critical leadership behaviors. This focused Rapid Alignment coaching process builds each senior executive’s leadership capacity to embrace the future, become more collaborative team members, and effectively lead and coach their next generation leaders. Pressing critical leadership issues are resolved through our Just-in-Time Leadership Coaching process. Leaders quickly learn to leverage their strengths in real time to achieve current and future business objectives and to proactively lead change implementation.

Senior Team Facilitation

Building on individual strategic leadership styles coaching results, we simultaneously facilitate executive team sessions using our Rapid Alignment process to ensure alignment on key strategic initiatives by all executives. Based on our professional expertise and proprietary Rapid Alignment tool-sets we have the agility to work with clients to resolve challenging and changing business and organizational issues in real time. Phased Rapid Alignment facilitation of team effectiveness processes enables the leadership team to address key competitive business challenges from more productive perspectives in a supportive team environment. Leadership Team sessions are conducted monthly to build a strong foundation for team collaboration and team effectiveness.

Team alignment and collaboration are executive leadership behaviors that are essential for achieving collaborative organization outcomes that transcend individual leaders’ functional accountabilities. Our Rapid Alignment team sessions provide a powerful action learning environment to build team consensus, solve problems and make team decisions. In these RA facilitated team sessions leaders build on the progress of their individual RA Strategic Leadership Coaching results.

Rapid Alignment’s Key Leverage Points

  • Our agility enables us to immediately work in real time with our client’s most critical and changing business issues in their competitive and complex environment.

  • Our proprietary three-way Rapid Alignment strategic coaching sessions conducted with all senior leaders and their executives rapidly creates clarity of priorities and alignment of expectations. This builds the foundation for transparency of ownership and accountability for achieving results within key timelines.

  • With enhanced clarity of goals and objectives, the RA strategic leadership coaching intensifies pressure within the current leadership system to achieve strategic plan results. Pressurizing the leadership system quickly identifies leadership issues that need to be addressed in individual coaching and/or organization processes realignment.

  • Leaders are coached on their leadership style behaviours that impact achieving their plan objectives established in their three-way RA sessions. The focus and intensity of these individual leadership strategic coaching sessions with all leaders creates a strong momentum to rapidly attain the preferred future business goals.

  • The observation of individual leadership behaviours in team sessions addressing real-life business and organization issues provides important situational context feedback for individual RA leadership coaching sessions. At the same time senior team effectiveness rapidly improves with the simultaneous leadership development of all its members.

The Major Rapid Alignment Process Phases

Building the Foundation

  • Establish view of current state and future potential
  • Build consensus for preferred future
  • Identify and mitigate barriers to progress
  • Define/redefine business models, drivers, critical success factors and processes
  • Build internal and external brand framework and model
  • Build the organizational attributes required for success
  • Develop strategic leadership profiles to leverage individual change

Enabling and Catalyzing the ‘Change’

  • Facilitate monthly senior team meetings
  • Implement bi-weekly individual strategic leadership coaching
  • Build collaborative behaviours and capacity
  • Prioritize strategic actions
  • Clarify decision making and accountabilities
  • Establish metrics and milestones
  • Realign performance and rewards to reinforce new metrics and behaviours

Enabling the ‘New Mindset’ and Building Momentum

  • Build executive leadership coaching capacity
  • Embed executive team facilitation and group meetings
  • Implement brand rollout
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