Rapid Alignment is a proven process that has been helping organizations, leaders and their teams succeed in times of transformational change for over 20 years.

Michael McInerney

Mike McInerney

Michael is a seasoned leader with over thirty-five years of executive and consulting experience. He launched his career with a series of executive positions for industry titans like IBM, Xerox, Gulf Oil and Nortel. Michael has been President and CEO of Avyd Leadership Performance, Sibson Canada, and Navantis and has served as a Board member of MBNA Bank and Bank of America (Canada) for fifteen years. As a consultant Michael has worked with over two hundred and fifty Boards of directors and Senior Executive teams on matters of strategy, governance, human capital and executive compensation. Michael has co-authored many articles and research including the McKinsey War for Talent and The Return on Leadership (Harvard). He has completed research with the National Centre for Management Research & Development (NCMRD) at the Ivey School of Business, Queens University Industrial Relations Centre, and the Conference Board of Canada. Michael has an MBA from the Ivey School of Business and an Honours BA (English) from York University.

Dr. Louis Stokes, PhD

Dr. Louis Stokes, PhD

Lou is a leadership and organization development psychologist with over thirty years of professional and corporate business experience. He has held senior executive Human Resource positions in Fortune 100 companies in the financial services and retail sectors in both the United States and Canada. Identified as “One of North America’s leading management instructors and employee development specialists” by the Schulich School of Business at York University, he developed and facilitated Executive Development programs on leadership, innovation, collaboration and Emotional Intelligence. He co-authored Collaborate to Compete: Driving Profitability in the Knowledge Economy published by John Wiley. Lou is a registered Psychologist in Canada and a professional member of the American Psychological Association; he received his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley.

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